Cools Farm Organics


Cools Cow-Calf Micro Dairy

What is a Cow-Calf Dairy?

The Cow-calf dairy system is an innovative, ethical way of producing milk, putting welfare before profit!

The Ethical & Regenerative Approach To Dairy Farming

Milking Our Red Polls

As we all know, our Red Poll Cattle are a dual purpose breed. The most popular use of the Red Polls are suckler cows producing beef. Although they are becoming more popular as a milking cow. 

Here at Cools our main aim is to produce scrumptious organic beef, but since starting our share-farming journey, milking the Red Polls has always been on the cards for us.

Our plan is to start slowly, milking a handful of cows to begin with for our own consumption making sure we get things right. We will be milking the handful once a day and they will be keeping their suckling calves until weaning, like they naturally would if they were a part of the suckler herd.

Playing our part in the higher welfare dairy movement.

Our Plans for the Future:


We plan to produce raw milk, only available direct to consumer.


Making Butter from the Red Poll's naturally creamy milk.


Production of Yoghurt and Ice Cream is something we plan on exploring.

Using this ethical approach to dairying, we will be selling our pure,  creamy raw milk - straight from the cows udder to you!

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